Category Archive: Life Lessons

Apr 12

Enjoying the Small God Moments

I do not claim to be any kind of spiritual teacher or guru, I am merely a seeker of truth. However, from time to time I have people who approach me for personal/spiritual advice. One of the questions that I am often asked is “where is God?”. Usually the individual says that they have been …

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Apr 04

The Application of Shakespeare’s “To Be or Not to Be?”

In Shakespeare’s famous soliloquy from the play “Hamlet”, the main character, Hamlet, is racked with despair, and is questioning whether or not the unknown world beyond death will be easier to bear than the current life. Hamlet is in such despair that he is contemplating whether or not he should continue to “suffer the slings …

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Mar 30

Coming to Terms with the Past in Order to Enjoy the Now.

When thinking about the past, most people tend to dwell on the negative, instead of focusing on the positive things in their past. For example, when I used to look back on my undergraduate days, instead of thinking about how I met my wife, achieved in school, had many pleasurable experiences, etc. In the past I tended to …

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Mar 25

The Frailty of Life

I am sitting next to my father who is lying in a hospital bed, and I can’t help but be reminded about how frail life truly is. As I walk down the hallways people are in a daze from worry and grief, shuffling from one point to the other. I overheard one person state that …

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Mar 22

Doing Away With Bigotry in Order to Be Open Minded and Loving

“It is good for children to learn to love their country, their religion, their culture, and so on. But the danger comes when this develops into narrow-minded nationalism, ethnocentricity, and religious bigotry”.   -H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama As a parent it sometimes overwhelming to realize just how much you help shape your child. The …

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Mar 22

Doing Away With Bigotry in Order to Be Open Minded and Loving

“It is good for children to learn to love their country, their religion, their culture, and so on. But the danger comes when this develops into narrow-minded nationalism, ethnocentricity, and religious bigotry”.   -H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama As a parent it sometimes overwhelming to realize just how much you help shape your child. The …

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